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Friday, August 3, 2012

The Power of Words

The Power of Words

Please read aloud:)

Let's go play.
Find a new exercise.
Check into exercising with injury.
Make some yummy potatoes.
Use your core to walk safely on loose gravel.
Let's find a nutritional plan for you.
Let's make one change.

Great! Listen to yourself. How do you feel?

Now do the same with the next group of phrases.

Don't torment the dog.
Don't go to your class.
Don't exercise with an injury.
Don't burn the potatoes again.
Don't fall.
Don't eat carbs or fat.
I can't do it. 

Listen to yourself. How do you feel?

Simple right? The impact of the words you choose is huge and can help build a confident, positive, strong individual. Think about what we can do. Think about what we can change. Think about a solution.
Don't is not the answer.

Try to make your 'don't' a positive. Use your words, they are powerful and you can do it!


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Awareness & Empowerment

The Journey to Awareness & Empowerment

How can we achieve unconscious awareness? How can we gain a thorough and complete understanding of ourselves, emotions, needs, wants, motives? How do we find the way and the support to get there?
I have identified a pattern that I endure every time I feel deeply stressed. As you know it's a cycle that spirals out of control when dealing with depression and anxiety. I face each day now knowing that when I feel funny, weird, guilty, bad, anxious or insecure, I need to find it, face it and deal with it.

It helps me to know at least that this pattern will get me through the tunnel and that I can do it. I get stuck too and it impacts everyone around me, but I am getting better and faster at identifying the real issues.

Here are my steps to self awareness & empowerment

1.   I feel like something is wrong, 
2.   I get cranky, (In our house we say "I have my grumpies on")
3.   I search for answer, not know it, get antsy, 
4.   I feel low, 
5.   I ponder, ponder, ponder, 
6.   I feel anxious, can't sleep, can't relax, can't focus,
7.   Identify the real issue, 
8.   Find a solution, 
9.   Understand the behaviour and that it is not ME
10. Talk about it with someone I trust to help it transfer to other situations.

Seems simple right? Text book right? I have described this activity as a mind plank for me. You know, a plank we do in core training. Well that's it. Every time I do it, I imagine that a physical plank for a beginner must feel like my mind plank. It hurts! But when we train more, we do eventually become stronger, more efficient and more confident.

Try it and tell me what happens. I warn you, it is not easy ...unless you are already incredibly self-aware and experience no struggle with depression.
But if you've fought hard for a long time like me, steps 7-10 could save your life.

Let's help each other 'cause every step is worth it!
Until next time....

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Positive Thoughts in a Negative World

Have you ever done an exercise where you imagined negative thoughts, then stopped to feel what is happening to your body? Then repeat with positive thoughts to feel what is happening to your body.
I know we are all different, so let's see if you understand what I feel.

Something to ponder; I don't watch tv, I only pay attention to the forecast for News in case we are having a storm. I also feel a little bit sick when I am in waiting areas where I hear conversations about all the bad things happening around us and what we need to watch out for 'cause it's a bad world afterall.

Go back to that exercise of negative thoughts....I feel suffocated, tense, contracted, confined, limited and weak. I do not choose to live this way and I fight this way of life inside and outside of my mind with more vigor than you can imagine.

Wait, there's the ocean, there's my family, there's time, there's fun & activity, there's honesty and truth. Look around for your dreams that you may be smoldering and let them burn. Stand up and tell people how you fell, what you want, do what you love and hug yourself and your loved ones. Ask a simple question like, what's in your heart to a child to hear the response. Can you feel my posture, my energy, my love, passion and desire to reach for more happiness and spread it all over the place? Well, that's what positive thoughts do! Amazing isn't it? Yet so simple.

Let's stop complaining and start doing.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Courage from a Fearless Leader

How do we find the courage? How do you see a fearless leader? What are the obstacles between you and your happiness? Have you ever felt completely displaced? Have you ever wondered if this is the way other people feel or think? Have you ever told yourself that maybe this is it and I must have some abnormal expectations in life?

I hope I reach people when I say that it was not courage that brought me here, rather it was the instinct to survive. I guess the brief novel & film version of my life is quite romantic with embellished tales of courage & victory against the odds. Maybe I would wear lovely gowns and heels too. Well, here is how I see it.

I am one determined/ stubborn girl with a burning desire for the 'joie de vivre', who works so damn hard at everything! I do achieve success and victory. I do go after what I want! However, it was not at all a story of courage. It was not a romantic notion, to leave one career and follow a dream while backpacking across Europe. I literally broke down physically, emotionally, spiritually & mentally. I have everything to live for, but could not function from day to day at my profession of 16 years. I could not power through the difficult parts anymore. I just could not do it. I really couldn't believe it myself and thought, could I just get through this year before finding a new career. My decisions would impact my little family exponentially. It would impact my financial security and independence, exponentially.

So why couldn't I just suck it up and carry on? I could run my fitness dreams part-time as always and teach it in school too as always.

Depression is a serious, debilitating illness. You cannot suck it up and push through easily. It is so difficult to understand how serious depression is and how to have happy, healthy lives. I did not understand. Remember the determined/ stubborn part of my personality? Well it truly has saved me most of my life. I have experienced episodes of depression and anxiety for as long as I can remember. I believe I thought what I experienced must be the way life is. Maybe this is it and I am just abnormal and I must want abnormal things. I wanted so badly to be a great mom and enjoy my family that accepting all the downs was just not right or healthy or normal.

More to come......So I have to find the way through the dark times and lean on my true friends and family who know the whole me, who can give me a hug and say, we'll make it, you're strong and you can ask for help.

I will share some of my favorite battle strategies:
:) Wear fun colours
:) Be aware of your triggers
:) Workout!
:) Look for hugs from a loved one who knows
:) Remember that it does not define YOU
:) Go outside!
:) Eat well, sleep well
:) Surround yourself with positive energy
:) Change negative thought patterns
:) Breathe deep and stand tall
:) Find out what YOU want
:) Dance from the inside out
:) List what you appreciate
:) List your fortés

This is a practice to get you what you want. By this I mean where you want to be of course, not the material things in life. I know that for me, I've made serious changes in my life when I had nothing left to lose, when the comfort zone was no longer comfortable. Change comes from within when we can't ignore the crap anymore.
Hug your lovers, babies, kitties, puppies & friends and take time to tell them what you love in them.

Until next time....

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Truth, Confidence & Passion

The truth is hard to find

I am truly amazed at how each little piece of truth unveils itself when we are open to it. I'll tell you pieces of my story that become me over time.

I have learned that confidence is the way to truth and truth is the way to confidence. I see obstacles to finding both when I follow, go along with people, try to fit in and do what is expected. The obvious question is why bother to do all that? The answer is not so clear. How do we know when we are doing it? Think about it...if you have spent a life time trying to fit in, wouldn't you always feel displaced, crappy & vulnerable? And then how would you know how to stop it, to re-program every cell in your entire body to respond differently than you always have? And how would you feel confidence when your accomplishments are not truly yours?

By the way, this is not a 6 week program! Just so you know.

I have never felt happier and more comfortable in my own skin than I do today. I do not hide all of what makes me, me, not anymore. I like wearing neon and dancing to the beat of my own drum everyday. Every single time I do what my heart tells me to do, I gain confidence and learn the truth that has been in there all along, ever since I was a toddler singing and performing on my kiddie dining set.

Many times I cry for the little girl who missed so many years learning everything the hard way. Other times I cry for everything I have today and the formidable feeling of finding what I want in life. Most of these are tears of joy to have gotten this far.

So I say: Cindy, what do you want? My first answer almost always includes what everyone else needs around me. Then I say: Cindy, think about it. What do YOU really want? Then I try to weed it out and many times drive my hubby crazy with too many verbal thoughts:) Then when I am brave enough to make a decision, I figure it out. Lots of times it's oops, I should've been more honest with myself and others. I'm learning.

I have definitely simplified a major life-changing process that I am going though here. If you know the depth of truth and you understand making decisions that will affect everyone around you after a life-time of pleasing people, then you know the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical toils of my journey.

I believe it started when I finally completed my Masters in Education. I swore to then make a list of all the fun classes I would like to do. There was born, a dancer. The expression of dance, the escape, the release, the creativity, the feeling, the confidence; it all started to revive the wild, wonderful dreams of childhood fantasy. 

Once upon a time there was a little girl who loved to dance, but she was a bit chunky and she had flat feet. She couldn't dance very well compared to the others and would never be really good at it, so she gave up ....................... until NOW! 


Until next time,

Monday, February 20, 2012

Welcome to FarOutFitness - A Journey of Love

I am almost ready to write my journey to share with others. It will be a heartbreaking story to happiness that could help many including myself to embrace our experience and move forward.

I am lucky to have such positive, supportive people around me.

Welcome to my journey and my dreams<3.
